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RE: Geo-Engineered Climate Disasters Keep Economy Strong (Episode 6)

in #money7 years ago

On June 22,2017 THE CIA purchased WHOLE FOODS.
Natural means nothing...
LEAD PAINT..real reason it was banned
NANO TECHNOLOGY..protect yourself with a YELLOW LIGHT BULB...23:00 min mark

GMO FOOD now have an antennae inside your body
AMAZON exploiting people with deliveries by private drivers not USP...
misleading the people with words like natural with the assumptions of organics and they were not organic---sick vegans-tuity fruity--and videos a sparking with microwaves in the fruits-nanoinfiltration of the foods-terms of nano being inter changed -more then one way to see a release of nano in the foods--learn neutrality in the foods-lead paint and DE--bluebeam project already hitting you and accessing your brain--more...5G the internet of Things for Dummies.......YOU ARE TOAST!!!!
Nano is in the FOOD..Diseases are skyrocketting Alzheimer's,Autism,ADHD,Respitory Illness,Cancer,Morgellons