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RE: When the banks stopped paying interest...

in #money8 years ago

I have watched Monero for a while now and it has some very nice price action. But I was unable to find a wallet that allows me to actually hold MY private keys for MY Monero coins in MY house. If yo uknow of a wallet that lets me keep my priv-keys, let me know.

My own things in my own possession is a big thing for me. except for $5000 dollars here on this one steemit account, it would be rare for me to keep more than that on any web site with the owner of that web-site having access to it.

I got out of Gox four months before it died, out of using Bitinstant before it died, out of Bitstamp before it got hacked and out of Bitfinex before their big hack. I am very good at dodging the bullet when I see mismanagement. Though I will still be on Steemit reading and voting, it will have no kick to it.


I don't know of anything like that for Monero.

I actually only started learning about cryptocurrencies earlier this year. I spent a lot of time studying, but I'm no expert. Open Bazaar was what got me interested, but from a marketing standpoint I felt it was and is a major fail.

I did read somewhere that Monero was coming out with its own wallet, however. I might have seen that on bitcointalk.

You might ask @smooth on Steemit Chat about what is available for Monero. He was part of the core dev team for Monero.