Bureaucrats do not know how to help the poor. They are already out of touch with the common person. And, even the common person is out of touch with the homeless.
Case in point, I knew a group of nurses. There was a homeless lady who made her nest in an unused corner outside of the hospital. For a few days, she didn't show up. So, the nurses went and looked through her stuff and found over $200 hidden in cans and stuff. So, these nurses went and opened a bank account so that her money would be safe if ever she returned. None of them knew how bad of an idea this was. If you do not have state ID and an address, you are pretty much screwed when dealing with banking institutions. Not like FATCA, where its just a lot more paperwork, I mean, literally impossible.
So, bureaucrats, and socialists believe that they can just throw money at the problem and it will go away. They never think of providing what the poor really need. Food, shelter and clothing.
As a society, we could build a tiny house for every person on the planet. (we already spent more on jail cells) And we could provide a chow line for every person that shows up. (we, in america, throw away half of the food grown) And providing something like a green jump-suit. (We could have them for about $1.50 per unit in container sized quantities.)
There you go, everyone's physical needs met. And all the administrators can be fired, because there is no paper work. If you are hungry, you show up. There isn't two of you to take more than your fair share of a meal to scam the system.