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RE: (VIDEO). MUST WATCH! Greenspan Vindicates Gregory Mannarino On "Debt Bubble" Theory.

in #money8 years ago

Chump's wall is either one of two things

  • A way to keep americans from escaping when they actually start martial law
  • A works program to say, "hey look, I created jobs"

Neither of these are good. But they sound good to a population who believes "dem furreingers are taking our jobs". When what really happened is the repulicrats sold their jobs.

Janet is a public mouth piece. She is told what to say and when to say it. She has slipped up several times on her recitals. I do not find her sexy or smart.

As financial systems go, we know live in upside-down land. Where everything is backwards. People paying people to keep loans, etc.


Nice! Glad to see that you didn't fall for the scam that is crypto currency. If I am wrong in my ass-umptions then I would "suggest" you cash in and go "all out!" here at BTC $2770 and buy lots of pork and beans if you believe martial law will go into affect. Make sure you buy Heinz brand beans as I was told they's the bestest. :-)

If you buy beans, buy them dry and in sealed 5 gallon buckets.
If you eat beans learn to cook em up yourself.
Anyone who is good at preparing beans can put Heinz to shame.

Beans n bullets. (Copyright: JoeJustJoe 8/1/17) And 10 foot chain link fences! Nobody wants their pet cat or dog eaten by the neighbors. *-)

"A way to keep americans from escaping when they actually start martial law" Usually the President who creates something really doesn´t use it. It´s the President after who will use the wall to keep Americans from leaving the USA. Trump will build it. It will be one of the career politicians who will abuse it.

@builderofcastles I get it the republican party is filled with a bunch of career criminals. However, don´t be fooled, the Democrats in DC are just as corrupt. Republicans and Democrats have been playing the people against each other for years, while they both commit crimes against the American people. The career politicians in DC are one party and we are not part of it.