Our poor poor society.
This is a culmination of the govern-cement doing what the govern-cement does best. Destroy people's lives.
Sure, its a matter of perspective. The poor in The USSA live better than kings did a thousand years ago.
However, in the same breath, we still have people living in uninsulated houses. And our current minimum building standards are way below what is best for a home.
We could be doing so much better, if we just spent 10% more per house.
But, we all are paying everything we can for housing, because it is the most important thing. And housing costs what all the people will pay for it. (because it is artificially kept scarce)
So, this whole article is about scarcity mentality.
If we always built one more house than there are people who want a house.
If we had 10% more food then everyone could eat.
And these things are doable, but they really destroy the type of money based growth economy that we have currently.