Money is being canceled in America

in #money7 years ago

Under the program, about eight million immigrant children without papers could live or live in the United States, the United States government canceled the legal safeguards. Other applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or for the DACA program in a nutshell, will not be taken by the administration officials. President Donald Trump has approved the decision, but he sent the attorney general Jeff Shesons to the announcement in front of the news media on Tuesday. Sessions Announces DICA Canceling Five years ago the executive order of former President Barack Obama was canceled due to this decision. Future of thousands of young students or students who were born abroad has become uncertain. If Congress wants, they can allow them to stay in the United States. But in this matter they will have to decide within six months. All these teens-young immigrants, who are generally called or dreamed, have entered the United States as children only. Many of them have come from Mexico or Central American countries, but many of them have come to such a young age that they do not know anything beyond American society and customs policy. Today, the Voices of America talks about all these issues.