I'm happy that you like my statement @k0d3g3ar and I am wondering if the "evil people" you are referring to involve most of the new marketing graduates from college?
Subliminal marketing to my knowledge is supposed to be illegal, but there are so many advertisements everywhere, that a lot of it ends up being subliminal (i.e. people falling asleep with the TV on, seeing a logo out of the corner of one eye, etc.).
Interesting. I remember when subliminal marketing was an outrage. People would put subliminal frames in the 25 or 30 frame per second video content on TV. This was banned by FCC and other bodies. But we are doomed to forget history here. The same technique can be used in social media and if that is where people's eye balls are, then we have a problem. There is no state protecting us from this. We have to protect ourselves and learn to identify this when we see it. Anyone who believes anything they read on the Internet is a fool. Consider that most younger demographics spend less time watching TV and more time watching YouTube and now the problem is not being addressed (again).