In the US, there are banks offering about $200~$500 to set up a new bank account with them. Setting up multiple bank accounts to take advantages of these sign up bonuses is called "churning". I think of this as kind of like airdrops for US dollar.
There are usually terms that you have to meet in order to get the bonus. Here is the latest one I have done at 5/3 Bank.
So, for having $500 in there for 60 days, I get $250. Making 50% on my money in 60 days seems like a decent deal to me! Does your country have anything that's like airdrops?
アメリカでは最近新しい 銀行口座 を開くたびに$200-$500ほどのボーナスがもらえます。銀行口座をたくさん開いてこのボーナスを集めて儲ける事を”チュウニング”と呼びます。アメリカドルのエアードロップのような物です。
thank you