leofinance.ioIt's a great info you provide here. Have you learned about hive-engine, tokens and tribes on hive ? Do you know that you can use #leofinance tag and more people will find your content. By using the tag your content will be on , and you can earn the LEO token at the same time. Of course #leofinance tag could be used only if you talk about anything related to investment, trading and finance.
You still can edit the post and add the tag. I'll upvote it if I'll see it there. Because it's profitable to curators there to upvote you, because we also earn at the same time with hive, curation rewards in form of LEO token. That's why those who are interested hold LEO POWER and support such content.
Okay thanks, I'll have a look at it now
Yeah, there are other tokens by the way. All on hive-engine.com . And to secure your account while logining to those websites, it's better to use hive keychain. It saves the keys only on your pc, but not the websites. I think you'll enjoy learning about all that world. ☺
Just had a little look at it now, looks complicated but very interesting. I love how there is always something new to learn about crypto. That'll keep me busy for awhile, thanks :)
Yeah, I like that as well. I've been creating content on the blockchain for almost 5 years, and I'm in crypto for more than that. I keep learning all the time despite being here for so long. It's the best part about crypto. ☺
By the way, it's good that you've added the tag. Your content should appear here anyway : https://leofinance.io/@profitpig
Maybe latter. They have a kind of bot that catch the posts. If you didn't post right away with that tag, it may take for time to appear there. Let's give it some time and see. I'll check that later.