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RE: If You're PRO Capitalism Do You Support BIG Government? Can capitalism exist without the other? A short thought exercise!

in #money8 years ago

It is my pleasure to share what I can. I will be reading more of your posts as I now follow you, so once I absorb more of the idea, I will definitely provide constructive feedback. It's fun to challenge the mind this way :)

If you are interested in Rothbard's work, a lot of it is available at the Mises website. The Ethics of Liberty can be found in PDF format:

BTW, I did notice one of the homes that you featured in another article. Was that an Earthship? I recall seeing one constructed over 20 years ago in a remote Ontario town. I found it a very fascinating use of old tires and pop cans as part of the construction. I also like the off-grid nature of it all.

Best of luck with the ON venture. I'll be sure to read up more on it. Thanks for sharing this interesting information.