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RE: Lions, Stock Market Updates Plus: Gold, Silver, Dollar, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Hi ptroup1984, in my opinion it is a probable signal that something will occur in the next days. The price 123.47 is highly suspect. In particular the number 7 because is not part of the sequence. So I would watch carefully what the market does on the 7/7/17 and probably would be out until the next Monday... ;-)

Watch this if you do not believe me...

this is the chief of the IMF telling us something!!! :-D


Dang.... buckle up, we might be having turbulence ahead!!!!

I have seen that Christine Lagarde speech numerous times. It is definitely been put out there for a reason. It is just too much of a strange thing to talk about otherwise.