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RE: Today Is the 45th Anniversary of The Most Destructive Event In Modern Monetary History

in #money9 years ago (edited)

seems like the smartest way for the USA to enslave the rest of the world by using it's perception of power to borrow money it will never pay back, and call it debt, but that's all it is... just a word


The U.S.A will enslave no one, if the Chinese call in their debts then dump the bonds that it currently owns the U.S.A is done for. ;)

The Chinese are culturally programmed to be loyal, and that's that.. they've been duped, and there is no way out of or around it

it is merely the masses that have been duped, the Chinese elite are not stupid and it would be unwise to think they will blindly follow when they are offered trinkets instead of gold

You're right about that. The Chinese are anything but stupid. Having yuan be part of the SDR is not a small feat. They're not perfect, as their economy is in trouble as well. But they've been making some savvy moves, such as becoming the world's largest producer and importer of gold (to give the yuan greater juice). No gold leaves that country. Take a look at this:

And then China will have no-one to sell their goods to. Sounds like a plan.

I hope aliens are interested in bonds.

i.e. if China commits financial suicide it will take the U.S.A along with it.

Not as simple as it sounds.

Yes the REASON why the current monitory system is in play is to control this country. The way the system is currently set up there is NO way to ever get out of debt. Not only that but the Federal Reserve of which is a PRIVATE CORPORATION is printing money for .01 cents on the dollar and then selling it to the USA. So this private corporation is not only making BIG bucks but also controlling the entire economy.
I just published a very comprehensive article about the history of money and how we got to where we are today. You can read it here. I would love feedback as I feel this is a very valuable post.