Job !!! Money. Part-time employment. WORK for ALL !!! THW GLOBAL

in #money9 years ago

 This Is A Soft Launch Registration Page!
Rated Fastest Growing Opportunity Of 2016
Wanted 5M IV's in 2016 / 25M IV's in 2017

Register now:

  Become An "IV" Today
IV stands for International Viewer
Register Your Free Position
Earn Up To $25 Per Hour

THW Global Pay Plan: 

 Up to $25 per hour  watching Better Than YouTube Type Videos. Also huge management 6 figure  opportunity. International advertising giant needs millions of IVs over  the age of 18 to invest up to 10 hours weekly giving comments on  commercials, TV pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and so  much more. Over 90% can be done from any smart phone or computer anytime  / anywhere 24/7. From the comfort of your home or on the road.

It's YouTube in reverse. At YouTube they pay out mega millions to people  who get high traffic of people coming to their posting. THW Global does  just the opposite by paying millions to the viewers who watch content  not place content. There is no fee or gimmicks to start working with our  company. This is a Global offer so if you know anyone anywhere pass  this message on to them. In fact when you register with THW Global you  will get a welcome letter three personal URLs in case you wish to  recommend others to work with us. THW Global will reward you up to $5  for every person who earns up to $25 an hour that you personally  recommended. This means if someone you recommended worked 10 hours they  would earn up to $250 and you would earn up to $50. and this goes on for  as long as the person you recommended works with THW Global. See even  more incentives below. Advertising is the 4th largest global industry.

THW Global needs over 50,000 active IVs in each territory to start  testing. They also need people from every race and language. This will  be a Billion $ Division in this $650 Billion Dollar Industry. So if you  know anyone who would also like to do this. As long as they are over 21  with a HS Diploma send this to them. You will be rewarded for doing so  by receiving $5 for every $25 they earn.  

 Some Advertising Facts You Should Know: 


  • In 2016 TV Commercials are averaging 15 minutes per hour and  According to Nielsen, advertisers spent $78 billion on TV commercials in  2013, compared to $64 billion in 2009." It is expected to grow to over  $100 billion by 2017 just in the USA.
  • The Global TV Advertising Market is multiple times more than the  above numbers.
  • The Top 5 Advertising Agencies Do Over $50 Billion In Sales "THEY  MANUFACTURE NO PRODUCTS" All They Do Is Charge Companies To Advertise.
  • Global Advertising Is Expected To Top $650 Billion in Annual Sales  in 2016. That Is More Than A $200 Billion Increase In Annual Sales From  2010.
  • YouTube Alone Was Worth 70 Billion To Google - That's a higher  value than all but 66 of the companies listed on the S&P 500,  according to Bloomberg. Did You Know Google Bought YouTube for 1.65  Billion In 2006.

 THW Global Advertising Pays More:
Imagine not only being paid up to $25 An Hour To Watch BetterThanYouTube  Type Videos. But also being paid up to $5 for each person you  personally sponsor for each hour they spend watching BetterThanYouTube  Type Videos and earning up to $25. and they're willing to pay more. An  additional $1 For Each Person Up To Ten Levels Of Referrals for each  hour they spend watching BetterThanYouTube Type Videos and earning up to  $25 an hour.

Here Are Some Examples:

  1. You spend 10 hours a week watching BetterThanYouTube videos you would earn up to $1,000 a month!
  2. You find 10 others to do the same and you would earn up to $2000 a month + your $1,000 a month!
  3. You build a 10 level team of thousands or more to do the same you  would earn up to $40 Monthly for each person within ten levels!

THW Global is not looking to be bigger than YouTube. They just want to  financially reward more people than any other Internet Driven  Opportunity and become one of the worlds largest Advertising Giants.  Think about it most companies would pay a minimum of $1.50 a minute and  sometimes more for a subscriber to watch their advertised content. Which  comes out to a minimum of $90 per hour for which THW Global will be  paying up to $40 of such $90 back to it's IVs who are doing the viewing  of such content. THW Global plans on taking 90% of any money in excess  of the $40 per hour they pay out to the field and spending it on new TV,  Radio and Print Ads to build the New Internet Brand of YouTube Type  Videos.


Do not miss your chance and Good luck !!!

Yes, I know this company,in my opinion a very promising company!All the advice!

check this out

Can anyone verify the legitimacy of this company?

Can we get paid in STEEM/BTC?