I have something like 50% posts with pictures of my dog and they were taken in different locations and seasons. I have posted them over a month. But if u think it's a spam then I accept ur opinion.
Technical analisys? This spam is nothing more like describing a photo.
Dan, I have seen a lot of not valuable content for me. And I don't check this content, I don't write comments but when I saw that this spammer has the biggest reputation just becouse people want to get rewards from upvotes, it pissed me off.
I don't think the pictures of your dog are spam, I everyone should be able to post whatever they want as long as it isn't plagiarised. But saying all of haejin's TA is spam would be like me saying all the photos of your dog are spam.
You have been here about a month, I have been here since last july. I've followed haejin since aug/sept. I was new to investing in cryptocurrency and I wanted to follow people who had perspective on the markets. Haejin has helped me greatly with this. Back theny he received around $10 per post but still had a couple hundred upvotes and a couple thousand views. So to say people only upvote him for a cut of the rewards is silly. Its also silly because curation rewards are ridiculously small until you have a massive amount of SP. With my 1000k sp, voting for haejins posts in the first 30 minutes would usually gain me about 0.003 sp per vote.
You don't have to be interested in his analysis, but try to understand how steem works and try to at least understand the possible motivations of haejin's followers before making silly comments.