Will Steem Double In Price Again Within 7 Days? It Looks Likely According To This Trend Over 7 Days.

in #money9 years ago (edited)


Solidly entering the 300 million dollar marketcap on Coincap.io, Steem pulls back, as cocks back and prepares to shoot up again. The uptrend, over 7 days, is nothing short of spectacular, and has never been seen at such a rate in cryptocurrency. As the latest news about Coinbase adding Ethereum dies down, money will pour into Steem and Steempower this week, as the user base grows exponentially.

Now Is The Time To Buy

As you can see, the long-term trendline is still pointing up, at the same angle as it's been going since the run up began. We had a small bubble, which has already corrected back to normal. Is another bubble imminent? Regardless, it looks like we'll have double our valuation in a week's short time.


That would be amazing but unlikely within 7 days. While profit taking is drastically reduced due to the lock in period for SP, there will still be an element of a STEEM selloff.

this / when theres blood in the steem chart buy steem

I doubt it, Steem needs to support new posts more heavily again as its the quick discovery of new material that really gives value IMO

dude you sound way too optimistic... just be patient

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Technical analysis is only one part of the research that goes into a good buy. Your guess is as good as any other about tomorrow's price and we're all just guessing. I suggest sticking to the fundamentals of Steem Power that will make this community grow...post great content and curate it when you see it. Best of luck!