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RE: The Truth About Money, What You Need To Know to Free Your Self From Perpetual Debt

in #money9 years ago

Really great history lesson, I enjoyed your narrative style and simple explanations. I actually had no idea the Federal Reserve was a private corporation, that is mind blowing. I feel the world financial system is headed down a troubling path. It seems not much has been learned since the 2008 financial crisis, and the can just keeps getting kicked further down the road in the hopes that it will all somehow work out. Someday there's going to be a reckoning. Fine mess of a world for our children to inherit... anyway, you've gained another follower and I look forward to your future articles.


Thanks for the support!
Yes just that one little tid bit as you say "mind blowing" is worth reading the entire post even if you knew everything else. Knowledge is power and the lack of it is lack of power.
Keeping knowedge from people is one of the keys to control and that is why we learn none of this in school nor hear about any of it on TV.
That is why I wrote this and shared it. I am here to help/empower as many people as possible. I will continue to bring valuable content and I hope you tune in as it comes forth and share whatever you feel is valuable!
Best Regards~*~