Most of the people consider hard work its the key to success and welth. I dont
First let me apologize for my bad English and awful grammar. I'm not a English native speaker.
Toxic Ideas
Me, as most of you, grew up with the toxic idea that Hard Work will bring wealth and success to my life. I have work hard for long years, and honestly that didn't work in the way I want, in the way I need.
Work from 8 to 6 ( and even later so often ) was a common place for almost 20 years and that mean from my 16 to my 35. Honest work and hard work help me to create a Restaurant supplier business and after that a wooden Pallet company but in honor of truth I never make big money and i end with a big bank debt that was near to 45K dollars until I lost everything and have to close my company, fired all my employees and end in the street selling fresh fruit on my city avenues only to earn few dollars to bring some milk and food to my kids. I'm not blaming anyone about my mistakes. I'm not complaining at all. I'm just trying to illustrate that hard work didn't work the best way for me.
Saying all that, with no money in my pocket and a lot of time to think I realized that work hard may be is not the Key. I knew and I know a lot of people that peel their backs on the sun, work harder that everybody and never make it in big way. I start to change my mind set and start to think that may be,the work hard idea was a Toxic Idea and that may be its better to work smart than work hard.
We all grew up filled of Toxic Ideas like love hurts, He or She control me cause he or she love me, if you are not popular you are nobody and stuff like that just to mention some of them. Take your time to explore the Toxic Ideas that feed your brain in past years and you can identify a lot of them.
Work hard is not the best way to create wealth. Work smart is. How can you achieve it? First you need its change your mindset. Stop thinking that you need to sweat and leave your life on the field. Look for it to bring bigger rewards and do not require to expend a lot of time on it. For me was to learn to make websites ( on my own ) and my life change. on my first website i earn more that what i earn in a month working on all day selling fruits on the street. After that I start to learn Photoshop and can create more money cause people with no skill needs my services and things change on my life and on my mind.
Steemit is a perfect example about how better is work smart than work hard. See at the payout system that reward big over other platform and you can realize we are facing a life changer for a lot of people in near future. Been smart is the only way to leave the rat race. I know there is a lot of people that hate this allegory but i truly believe the right midset could take people to place they never think it possible.
Just a head's up - there was a missing piece of markdown code and most of the message appears in header format.
Might wanna edit back to normal text for easier reading... ;-)
Thanks. Let me fix it
I love this! It's so true. I see people work so hard for so little!
We need to be in search for "Better Opportunities"
They are out there if we work hard enough!
This is my first day on this site, and I'm enjoying it thus far! I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Thanks !! Life is plenty of Opportunities for sure. Just look around! We dont need to create something new, we just need to improve things that already exist.