I agree with everything you've written above, but...
...BUT.... The problem I see is with the "No strings attached". I have been researching this topic for 3 years and my conclusion is that unless massive change happens in the political structure of the world, when UBI rolls out, there WILL be strings attached. And these strings can/may/will be massive infringements on the Rights of the people. I hope I'm wrong, I really do....
.... but I dont' think I am.
The "smart" orange baboon that gave the State of the Union Speech the other night gives me hope that our political structures can, and should be, radically changed. It's time to actually drain the Swamp..
If UBI is ever rolled out, it needs to be based in decentralization - which is where Blockchain comes in. The time has come and passed where we need centralized forms of Authority, like The Fed, controlling the rigged game.
The time is now, the question is whether people are willing to put in the effort to make that change happen. We can only use technology as a catalyst for change so long.
Thanks for your comment!