yep @libertyacademy, I think a tiny minority of americans are aware of, and an even tinier minority are concerned by these issues. Most people go about their daily routines quite ignorant of much that is going on around them. And for many people, this label of "ignorant" that I'm using is not even meant to be disparaging. As you state, people are so distracted to even notice that this is a huge concern. We live is such a pointlessly consumeristic world that people become obsessed with trivial concerns of accumulation on one end of the spectrum (those with some disposable income) and those on the other end of the spectrum that are working multiple jobs just to pay the bills. In the end, neither of these two camps, on the aggregate, can devote or have the desire to devote any amount of time to understanding the dire realities that comprise the very foundation of society. This will not end well.
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