Thanks for the input. I tried to balance it so there's something for people into poker as well. I also didn't want to make the blog too long, I've found people lose attention after a certain length. Balancing these two things: interesting for the lay person and interesting for the poker fan while also retaining some aspect of brevity was difficult.
I do think talking about the risk involved is a good idea though. At the time I was pulling in roughly $20k a month from playing poker, I had no expenses in school (room&board were paid for and in fact I was paid to go to grad school because I was teaching undergraduate math classes at Penn State) was able to buy in for the tournament during 2006 so I could write off the winnings on a winning year, there was a chance I could do extremely well, and it was a fun opportunity to go to another country so paying $8k to enter wasn't a big deal to me. But at different stages of life we have different levels of risk tolerance, and I'm not sure that 27 or 32 year old Ryan with bills to pay and not in school, but with the same amount of money would do the same thing.