
I responded on your blog.

The drug problem is actually a very complex problem that is ingrained into many aspects of the society. When the USA economy collapses 2022ish, nobody is going to be donating money to try to fix a problem that has to be allowed to crash and burn so that people will learn to stand on their own two feet and stop doing stupid stuff or perish. Middle-aged disenfranchised man are psychologically vulnerable.

Everyone who has had an addict in their family (including my family) knows that the addict has to hit bottom before they may decide to save themselves (and we and others have tried to rescure them). But usually they relapse and eventually perish. Of course with a enough intervention you might be able to extend a few lives (although they usually eventually relapse), but it is not cost effective for society. If you observe a mother cat, she will sacrifice the weakest kitten(s) in order to save the strongest ones if her food supply is too low. Although our resources are not as constrained, we end up making our resources constrained by throwing too much socialism and debt money around without any thought to the amount of debt and wastage we have accumulated. I think the family members are in the best position and most responsible for intervention. I did. Historically the concentric circles of areas of responsibility were parent, family, church, and finally God. Somehow we’ve injected a Frankenstein of wide-scale society into that area of responsibility. We are trying to apply our tribal (small community) instincts at a level of large-scale debt-funded governance, which thus lacks the necessary negative feedback loop.

It is a clusterfuck. Why do you think Philippines President Duterte killed all the drug dealers and addicts who would not reform. He understood that you have to attack the problem at the root and remove the cancer entirely from the culture.

I hope you found in my blog the links to Catherine Austin Fitts and the Gary Webb connection. Dig into that rabbit hole if you want to see how deep the drug trade goes into the CIA, etc..

I edited my prior reply and want to draw your attention to it.

I want to clarify that I am not against intervention and trying to help those who are in need. My point here is a complex one. For example, we end up creating an industry of “help” which profits on keeping people in need of help. This is societal decadence and ends up with a society that is useless, unproductive, and entirely dysfunctional. For example, that industry of help (social workers, etc) supports Merkel’s plan to bring in rapefugees to destroy the national cultures of Europe.

So my point is we need to get back to traditional values and the value of the family. It all begins and ends there. I had noticed that the Steemians had no interest in my prior blog. They only want the decadent “feels good” way. For example, see how the boomer parents doomed the Millennials and gave them the wrong attitude to deal with drugs and life in general. See for example this answer on Quora. The decadence is cultural and also that we are stupid enough to believe that a democracy and society should replace the family, church, and God.

We can not solve this problem with volunteerism wherein the ideology driving that is the one that is causing the drug problem in the first place. It is like a dog chasing his tail. But of course people (including addicts) will always blame their problems on some other thing instead of looking in the mirror.

If all this starts to make your head hurt, then that is reason we needed religion because it can keep the people focused on the correct cultural discipline without needing to think through all the complex interactions of things. Because ultimately economics matters (societies perish and/or get conquered otherwise).

Bottom line is that economics doesn’t have feelings and empathy. And economics matters. We ignore it at our peril and then end up with an unsympathetic (usually megadeath) outcome.

I am going to attempt to coax readers think outside of the SJW’s death trap box. Else they will have to refuse to read and think unselfishly (which what their faithful will do and probably eventually attackand lose). Even the selfish motivations of SJWs are ultimately self-destructive, but it is “long-con” self-deception.

Edit: I have a new comment post wherein I posit how this relates to the design of Steem.