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RE: The Debt to Income ratio, a critical indicator for your personal financial health

in #money7 years ago

I agree with you that the college debt might be the cause for a lot of young people in America's college campuses to support Marxism ideology. But this doesn't excuse them of their huge mistake, since if they lived in a country ruled by that ideology, their live will certainly be much much worse.

Cryptocurrencies are indeed critical for the survival of liberty (which is the same as saying capitalism, since liberty cannot exists without free market capitalism), by taking the power away from government, and make it more decentralized.

I don't know if the reason for crypto to be populated by a male majority is the sense of control, I think it simple is because males tend to adopt more risky adventures, and also tend to get more involved in new technology.


People do not understand that it would be much worse because they don't get the benefits of capitalism. Cryptocurrency gives young people their first taste of the actual benefits of capitalism to show why it is superior to communism.

If all you got from capitalism is debt, living in your parents basement, maxed out credit cards, then of course you might look at communists and socialists where people get to go to school for free, get healthcare for free, and seem to have it good.

Except all of those free stuff are only in fantasy land. Nothing is actually free.