in #money7 years ago


I'm a single guy in a Canadian city. I have no job here and I spend my days riding my bicycle down to the river to go for a swim or hanging out in Starbucks. I haven't had a haircut in about 8 months,mostly because of some stress I have gone through this year. I'm sick of buying clothes so I wear the same things I have been for the last year. The same worn out crocs and same old boardshorts I bought three years ago.

I feel like people are polite to me here,but they treat me as someone of no consequence: just some unemployed dude in the big city.

The only time this changes is when I go to the bank. The teller types in my account info and then her eyes light up and her tone changes completely! I probably have more money in my account than 90% of the people in this oil-town. I have to say I like the friendly attentive treatment that follows, but damn, Canadians are superficial!