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RE: One Love... The Love Of Money. Now we evolve! Embrace change to the crypto game, and die trying to fix this damaged world...

in #money5 years ago

So yes Crypto dynasty is great to get if you want to accumulate passive income, and best part no eth haha. I am In the same boat buddy. But you see I think we have a good chance at making some good money just holding, and mining. I bought 5 shares in the biggest corp for about 200 250 dollars. I'm listing them for right now with a few people for much more. Some 1 ETH a share. I think I wen 3.75 for 5 shares to get It off. But when they come out with the update where you can build battleships, and go to the matic world prices will go up. I just am so sick of gas prices. Now Crypto dynasty on the other hand is true passive income almost. Once you get up there. Like I'll send my troops to battle for about 6 hours straight now. I'm starting to get small amounts of eos, and tkt payout. TKT is their mobile coin, and is deflationary. So it is also huge to get in now versus later. The ones on the top already. It blows my mind how much they must be making on this game. But I hope everything works our with oxuniverse. I'd imagine eth has to have some kind of plan to get the gas prices down or they will crash hard. Really hard. Yet they keep coming out with dapps which supports my theory of some sorty of plan with eth 2.0 where they can handle all of this, and not try to charge me 150 dollars to launch a rocket hehe.