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RE: One Love... The Love Of Money. Now we evolve! Embrace change to the crypto game, and die trying to fix this damaged world...

in #money5 years ago

dude that sounds like a scam bro don't do it. I've seen plenty of the same type think about it unknown person and who do you have to give the transaction fee bro I'm sorry but it sounds like bullshit too me 99.9 percent. I will send you some links to sites I use to make free all kinds of crypto if that helps you


Actually I just found out I got it from an airdrop so it's 100% legit.

That's legit bro Hey If you don't mind shoot me your email I"m not on hear much. But I have like 20-30 different crypto related income streams going right now. I'm starting a business. So It would be good to keep in contact. I teach people, about all of them because they become referrals. I feel that Is my duty. I'm about to hopefully get a grant for 100 k that would really boost my business! :)