Over the past few years we have watched the situation in Venezuela continually deteriorate as the country’s socialist regime led by Nicolas Maduro has helped to hyperinflate the nation into oblivion.
For Venezuelans, this runaway inflation has come with a number of awful consequences.
The situation is especially dire in Caracas where people often have to kill and eat stray animals to survive since the bread lines which stretch blocks, oftentimes run out of food.
Even now, large numbers of people continue to die in hospitals without access to medicine, or become terribly sick due to malnourishment. To make things worse, most of the citizens couldn’t escape even if they wanted to.
At least not legally.
Thousands of people are hopelessly trapped in the country because the Venezuelan government, which has a total debt burden of over $71 billion, is bankrupt. As a result, the government does not have the funds to import the materials or to buy the spare parts needed to fix their passport printing machines.
And the United States whose national debt is rapidly approaching $20 trillion, is not far behind.
In the USSA if you have an extortion bill (delinquent tax debt) that exceeds $50,000, there is a strong chance you won’t be able to get a new passport and or renew your old one. What’s more, the State Department also has the ability to rescind existing passports.
This was all made possible through the “Fixing America's Surface Transportation” or “FAST” act, a new section (7345) added to the US tax code that is titled “Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Tax Delinquencies.”
Of course, the only thing “fast” about this act is how quickly it stripped away American’s freedom of movement.
Since the US has become so glaringly Orwellian, it is no surprise that there has been a mass exodus of expats fleeing the country before it becomes even more oppressive.
Just take a look at the numbers.
Under O’bomber’s regime alone, there was a record 2,200% increase in the number of people who renounced their citizenship!

As you can see, there was a 26% increase from 2015 to 2016 and the 2017 numbers are sure to be yuuuge considering the selection of Donald Trump which has nearly half the country looking at the exits.
Most nations base taxation on physical residency, however, most Americans aren’t even aware that the US is one of the few nations that taxes the worldwide income of its citizens.
Yes, you read that correctly. Not only are people who were born on US soil paying their extortion fees to their current country of residence, but also to the good ol’ land of the not-so-free.
To provide a frame of reference, one of the few other nations that also does this is North Korea.
As the US becomes more of a police state and more prone to instability because of its monstrous debt, you’re going to want to make the right moves to protect your vulnerable assets within the western financial system.
After all, just last week, Trump expressed his desire to increase the US police state and vehemently backed the police’ ability to outright steal anything they want from anyone without even needing anything but a “suspicion” that the person may be doing something illegal.
It’s called “asset forfeiture” and Trump even said he would “destroy [the] career” of a Texas state senator who dared to oppose the policy.
One way you can protect yourself is by subscribing to our TDV newsletter which always contains the most updated geopolitical and financial information along with specific stock and option picks carefully chosen by our senior analyst Ed Bugos. It also gives you access to our worldwide network of dollar vigilantes to help you if you are one of the many who want to get out of the US.
Also, coming up this February 24th is our TDV Internationalization and Investment Summit which will have many of the most knowledgeable speakers and presenters in the precious metals, investing, expatriation, Prior Taxpayer (PT) lifestyle and cryptocurrency communities.
Our conference will be followed the next day by 4 days of Anarchapulco, the largest gathering of voluntaryists and anarcho-capitalists in the world, being held under the same roof of the Hotel Mundo Imperial here in Acapulco, Mexico.
We hope to see you there!

Wow, some news and solid references giving us some perspective on things to come... Thanks for sharing with us the sad and yet important realities of the used-to-be-so-great U.S. of A. With the quickly coming advent of the digital iris and finger print gathering, this should become very very quickly a trap for everyone within these parameters.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Pepe would not approve of Berwick's scams: https://liberty.me/discuss/t/jeff-berwick-and-tdv-immigration/
My wife is from Venezuela. We'll be unable to visit Caracas for a while, I think. The place is a mess!
Does your wife speak to her family much in Caracas? Does the postal system still work, at least you could ship them supplies and hope they get through.
No, actually the postal service is highly unreliable and expensive... they steal your shit right at post of entry.
Flagged as previously discussed
Can I have the elevator summary?
Sounds like a very bad situation. As someone from the UK i realise i am lucky.