Could The Internet Be Set To Be Shut Down On The Eve of Jubilee, October 1st?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Ever since we caught on to the Shemitah timetable that Jonathan Cahn had discovered, we've discovered clue after important clue about the potential timetable being followed by the globalists towards creating a New World Order.

Christine Lagarde, with her "magic number 7" numerology speech caught our interest. Then, William White of the IMF talking about how a debt jubilee was coming which will wipe out most paper assets also got our attention.

And, we discovered that the Jubilee Year, also called the Super Shemitah, ends on October 2nd of this year.

Because of that we've been watching those dates carefully. Probably the most significant event we've seen yet is that the Chinese Yuan will be put into the IMF's SDR currency basket on October 1st. This, alone, could set off shockwaves in the markets.

But, now, another major event has just been announced to occur on October 1st.

The United Nations could take over control of the Internet on October 1, when the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) passes from US administration to the control of a multilateral body, most likely the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

While the administration and its defenders have denied that the UN will have authority over ICANN, the Wall Street Journal‘s L. Gordon Crovitz points out that ICANN will need to be run by a state agency in order to retain its antitrust exemption, which makes it almost certainly that the UN will step in to take control.

Given that we consider the Jubilee Year to be the year when the final pieces are put into place for a global one-world government, having the US give up control of the internet to the UN on October 1st, the day before the end of the Jubilee Year and on the same day that a new global monetary order will be positioned is cause for serious scrutiny.

The globalists have hated the internet since they began to figure out it was causing them big problems in controlling the world and its people. John Kerry in 2013, said, "this little thing called the Internet ... makes it much harder to govern."

He's right, of course. The internet has made it so billions of people can actually get access to real information... not the propaganda put out by governments and the mainstream media.

The word government means "govern", or to control, and "ment" which means mind. It is, in fact, a form of mind control. And in order for it to succeed to the point that the entire Earth is governed by a tyrannical, one world government, people need to be kept from the truth.

For this reason, the term "internet kill switch" has been used regularly by the US government. It's often put into bills, including the Proposed Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 as a way to "protect" people from cybercrime. Of course, like all things the government does, it is not to protect the people, it is to protect the government.

Even the two frontrunners for Commander in Crime of the US, Trump and Clinton, both want to shutdown parts of the internet, "Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Plan to Close Parts of the Internet: Censorship in America?"

And, since anarcho-capitalists created bitcoin to fight the central banks, the globalists have stepped up all their efforts to shut down the internet as much as possible.

The internet makes it hard to keep people controlled and confused... and bitcoin makes it hard to control the money system. That 1-2 punch, alone, has them running very, very scared.

And so, when it was just recently announced that on October 1st, the day before the end of the Jubilee Year, that control of the internet will be turned over to the UN... one has to be very, very suspicious.

Would they declare a new monetary system based on the SDR and its inclusion of the Chinese Yuan on October 1st, which is a Saturday, leading to bank closures worldwide AND then turn off the internet to keep most from even knowing what is going on?

You have to consider it a possibility. The globalists/banksters have no problem killing hundreds of millions of people as they did in the 20th century with all the bank manufactured wars, which included both World Wars. They had no problem doing 9/11 to scare the world into accepting their War of Terror and a lockdown on any last remaining freedoms.

Will they do it? Only time will tell.

But we've been suggesting to people all year to get prepared for something as big and catastrophic as the internet being shut down... so hopefully many have made plans to prepare for the worst already.

If you still haven't, we'd suggest getting out of the financial system (especially the banks) as much as possible. Even if they don't pull the switch on October 1st, we are nearing the very end of this current financial system.

And, many of the things we've suggested people move into have done very well. Gold and silver have already gone up dramatically this year, bitcoin is up 200% since last summer and many of our other recommendations, such as Ethereum (up more than 500% since we mentioned it in January) and Monero (which we just mentioned two weeks ago to subscribers has since risen over 400%... in just two weeks!).

I expect September and October to include significant market volatility and other kinds of potentially disastrous results. But the reverberations of Jubilee 2016 will continue well after its end date.

As we move into the last month of the Jubilee Year, we are bound to see catastrophic events occur - either ones that take place now or ones that promise a future, comprehensive disaster. We'll be following these possibilities and predicting them as we have for the past two years.

Please keep reading our blog here at Steemit (and follow us @dollarvigilante ) so that you are educated about what is going to come. And if you are truly concerned about expanding your portfolio and assuring the safety of family and close friends in these tumultuous times, check out our newsletter here.


The word government means "govern", or to control, and "ment" which means mind. It is, in fact, a form of mind control.

Look, if you are going to make up things, at least use things that don't insult your readers' intelligence and that can't be trivially debunked by anyone with the most basic understanding of etymology.

From wiktionary:

-ment : Used to form nouns from verbs, the nouns having the sense of "the action or result of what is denoted by the verb".

And before you start saying that the dictionary definition was made up to hide occult symbolism in plain sight, the nominalization of verbs using the suffix -mentum comes from Latin, some 2000+ years ago at a time where I really doubt that the Rothschilds grand grand grand ancestors were already conspiring. That "mentum" comes from mens/mentis that means "the mind" is a nice historical anecdote, but is irrelevant since "-ment" isn't used in that sense when used to nominalize a verb. And even if you really wanted to literally interpret things in disregard of their historical usage and semantics, you'd end up with "the mind of governing" and not "governing the mind" due to right-to-left precedence in the formation of compound words, exactly in the same way as "biology" means "the study of life" and not "a life of study"...

If anything, this blunder shows that you are not above relaying baseless nonsense when it supports your views and readers should be reminded to apply a healthy amount of skepticism when getting "information" from the Internet.

@anarchony and @full-steem-ahead: I'm not at all saying that governments are not effectively doing large scale mind control of their populations, or that the concept of government itself isn't surrender of free will to perceived authority. What I'm saying is that this implied meaning, if conveyed at all in the word "government" would be entirely conveyed by "govern" (which does imply domination) and not at all by "-ment" which is just a nominalization suffix. It should be obvious when looking at every other words in "-ment" like "achievement" or "basement" or "debasement" or "movement" which don't even remotely involve the concept of "mind".

Here Mark Passio elaborates a bit on why the english suffix ment etymologically comes from mind:

Ment definitely means mind, in every word it is used.
But besides the etymological meaning, government objectively IS mind control.

Interesting etymological analysis. You sound like you're well educated in literature, could that be the problem?

Jan Irvin and Joe Atwill, highly respected researchers, both agree on the "Mind Control" meaning of government, but without doing it myself or seeing the raw research of either of you on this topic it's hard to say which of you espouses the actual truth.

That's irrelevant however, b/c what government does is mind control. Ever heard of MK-Ultra? What about the lies children are taught in public schools, or the propaganda on mainstream media? You can argue all day about the etymology, but in practice and in general government manipulates information to control the hearts and minds of their populace. How else could they maximize their power and influence? Government is a religion and it's chief priests like to keep you in the dark b/c knowledge is power and they never want to give that up.

Terrific Post Jeff as usual, all your predictions are with spot on accuracy & everyone should be a subscriber of the TDV!

I believe it is paramount that investors own physical Gold & Silver... & another reason should they ever switch the internet off, then Gold & Silver would shoot up! I am also a HUGE believer in SYSCOIN (Partners with Microsoft Azure) Here is my recent post on SYSCOIN

I didn't read this as a prediction, as it is foolish, as a rule, to make very specific short-term predictions that can easily be proved wrong. Seems like more of a thought experiment, or an exaggeration to get attention. Always a good idea to prepare for the worst, even if we hope for a better result. Personally, I believe that even if the "bad guys" had a master plan, it's giving them too much credit to think that they can influence the timing of events so precisely to correspond to someone's apocalyptic calendar.

They certainly can and do influence as much as they can get away with! Through media, TV and as Jeff always says Programming :) It is not impossible for them to do this, so it is definitely possible!
Most of the previous financial crisis dates from the past are a cycle which actually corresponds well with the shemitah calendar.

This is a bit of an extreme position. What probability would you put on the UN shutting down the Internet?

I like most of your work, but this one is a bit much ¯_(ツ)_/¯

i believe they will do it even if it is just for 1 day, just for the fact that they can, they would not hesitate!
I am sure Turkey's Government Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will be happy with that! :)

As I said, they are capable of ANYTHING.. so it is just important to be aware of it and plan accordingly.

Exactly! It is always wise to plan for the worst, buying Physical Gold & Silver is your insurance!

It's all over if the un gets it.

I agree. I'm as much against the forces of centralization and government meddling as the next guy, but this seems a bit alarmist. Surely the Internet as a whole does more good than harm to the Powers That Be. And even if they did want to shut it down, it would take a global coordinated effort on a scale the world has never seen before. Probably the best that can be accomplished is some form of censorship like China's Great Firewall.

Personally, I'm betting on Ethereum to provide the backbone of a decentralized Web 3.0 that will be even harder for governments to control. If the Ethereum web takes off, something like ICANN won't even be needed as web addresses themselves would just be accounts on the blockchain. And then there's Maidsafe and Lbry as well which look promising.

People need to take internet freedom very seriously. If you are an app developer, please have a look at IPFS and IPNS. IPFS hashes, no more http/https links. Also, try to avoid a-records etc in your dns and just bind to ip6 addresses directly if needbe.

In the next 60 days, they are going to start locking the web the f*ck down. So much so in fact, that you will see thousands of websites disappearing overnight, forever. Apps will die too.

I know people think that "they" can't stop encryption. But, let me tell you, it is very easy to block all traffic that is not requesting "approved" port numbers or IP blocks. The UN can even order ISP's to do whatever...

As Trace would say, it's time for us to "Vanish" from their system. Buy a new wifi router (linksys wrt 1900 acs is good), have a linux friend ( set you up with openwrt, ipfs, and meshnet it with your local community. Use steemit of course, stop using all other social media (go out for a change). Get familiar with the deepweb/darknet ( And of course think of how you will eat, drink and secure your family for a few months once Deutsche Bank bites the dust.

Jeff, I love Anarchast and TDV, you know that, and thank you for bringing this stuff up. The bells are ringing right now and I just don't see too many people taking action (other than the crypto and precious metal communities of course wtf).

I feel like that proverbial chicken with head cut off runnin around. We've got so much stuff to build yet, and so little time!

I really shouldn't have upvoted this, but I can't take it back now it seems...
I respect @dollarvigilante for a lot of things, but some of these conspiracy theories are too much to stomach. I really think Jeff should focus on the things he does best -- not turn into some guy "living in a cave" etc....

+1, and this is exactly the sort of fear mongering he just blasted Merkel and other politicians for.

Good man, steem is going to be going up soon.

The United Nations could take over control of the Internet on October 1, when the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) passes from US administration to the control of a multilateral body, most likely the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Taking over the ICANN doesn't give control over the Internet to the UN. It gives control of the Domain Names System, that is to say the system that maps domain names to Internet numeric addresses. Currently, the DNS is controlled by a US registered entity, and being routinely abused by US law enforcement and 3-letter agencies such as DHS. A transfer to the UN will make arbitrary hijacking of domain names more systematic, but the impact on the Internet at large is still limited. In particular, peer-to-peer technology including Tor and crypto-currencies remain mostly unaffected.

This feels like the same sort of fear mongering Merkel is guilty of

It's just information... do with it what you want.

Learning of planned chaos and calamity isn't mongering anything; it's merely (excellent and greatly desired and necessary) information.

I'm always perplexed by what people mean by "internet kill switch". How would a nation state/UN turn the internet off? Are you talking about a firewall?

Perhaps they put some regulation in place that prohibits the Internet Provider to give you access... If it were only DNS it would not be a big problem... there are lots of DNS servers out there...

Yeah for a kill switch the state would need to pursue all of the telecos big and small. IP address allocation is one of the main issues. If the state was able to get all of the Tier 1s, and all of the last mile providers to disable their IP allocations it could happen. Turning circuits up/down and disabling addresses isn't easy it can be very complicated circuit to circuit. Not to mention it would be an enormous amount to address over vast topography with many devices not accessible remotely. It would be incredible.

What most people call the kill switch is service quality degradation, or scare stories about what if.

There are actually tons of different options. They can bully the ISP providers into shutting off services for a specific amount of time. They can shut down nuclear power plants that provide power, or make other utility companies shut off services. That automatically disconnects the majority of the population from the internet.

The truth is, we have no idea what kind of technology the world governments hold. We only know that they have an unlimited amount of money and people who can be blackmailed or easily corrupted into doing exactly what they want.

They could wipe out power but there are still thousands of self-sustaining remote sites still functional. I think we could agree on many scenarios that could possibly happen but most are unlikely. I'm thinking about method and how it is actually executed. Say, it was me executing the commands to disable software and/or hardware.

The UN's job is to remove freedom, currently the freedom of information. Even without the UN, who controls home power? And, how many cellular providers do you think exist? These are few plugs, easy to pull, at any moment. October could turn everyone's phone into a photo album / flashlight, for the remainder of your last battery charge. And, if the UN "owns" "the Internet", then some new rules and laws will apply. Freedom in the US is gone...and that's the last hope for the world.

It's like a conspiracy theory wrapped in a doomsday enigma, pushing the boundaries of imagination and fantasy. Time to turn down the paranoia dial and keep up the logic rhythm.

This has been a great unfollow day for me. I'll check back on 10/1....or not.

Since crypto grow and gold and silver to, it would be bad the dome day when the last only have the Fiat currency.

I would not be that one, so i am in crypto :)

Cool Post Jeff
You Are Really So Smart
I am following You Dude
You Rock!!!

Everything mentioned in this article is worth considering and does have real influence in the world we live in.
I don't think the internet will get shut down but I do know there are many powerful entities who would like to see it completely regulated. I hope it is not the case as our whole world would change.
One this is for sure is the most secure investment you can make is gold and the potential to even make money of this SUPER SECURE investment is also real. ESPECIALLY in a financial collapse or the shut down of the internet.
EVEN if this does NOT happen it is still the most secure investment if not the most profitable.
I have written two valuable and important articles on "The Truth About Money" of which are paradigm shifting for anyone who does not comprehend the knowledge in them. Very worth a read for anyone reading this post who is not already an economy, currency, politics expert.
Hope this is valuable to many.

I hope it doesn't happen. Too many people are going to get screwed.

Either that, or Deutsche Bank goes under. Or both.

What precautions would you take for the internet being down. Bitcoin and monero wouldn't even work in that scenario. Do you buy silver Eagles?

If internet goes fully down and does not return, all cryptos will be worthless. That's why we recommend a fairly small portfolio holding of them and prefer gold, silver and other hard assets for better security.

These 3 Hard Assets Which Wealthy People Use To Preserve their Wealth... would survive because they are hard assets just like you say Jeff :)

Exactly!! Just Like These 3 Assets Which Wealthy People Use To Preserve their Wealth... would survive because they are hard assets

Buy the Coins as they are Capital Gains Tax FREE

Physical Gold & Silver, Fine Art & Land

If land could be bought, that'd be fine. But, we all know we're just leasing it from the corporation, United States. The rules will all be changed. Prior preparation (outside of precious metals and vital survival necessities) will be worthless.

You can buy freehold land, not sure of the United States rules... but you can buy freehold land in the UK, London :) If you have the funds then you need to protect your wealth. This is one of the assets the wealthy use to park their wealth and pass it down generations.

If the Internet gets switched off. Where does that leave Cryptocurrencies ?

I guess the next good crypto coin investment will be the one who comes up with an internet alternative or plan B if you will.

Toast. So, let's hope they don't or can't do it. (btw, just by spreading info like this we can dramatically slow them down with their plans. I've been told numerous articles I have written exposing their plans has made them have to change their plans) ;)

Wasn’t this discussed at Anarchapulco? Crypto balances would still exist just be temporarily inaccessible until sufficient mesh internet or somesuch gets going. (Hope some expert chimes in here with the right terminology before I make a complete idiot of myself.)
Of course, what it would be worth is another issue. As you’ve said before, could be a million dollars, could be nothin’.

That was my first thought as well!

Toasted - along with the entire global economy. That would be a very dangerous and the results would be very unpredictable. I believe 'they' only 'do' anything massive when they know how to control the outcome... killing the net and the fallout is not something they would be able to control, thus, a highly unlikely event.
(Unless 'they' want complete chaos to have martial law and an excuse for the economy to vapourize).

Print out your Bitcoin QR codes!

smart move! & Use a Hardware wallet like Trezor

If the internet was scheduled to be switched off, then, what about the insiders with information about this who have invested in Bitcoin? Wouldn't they be headed for the exit gates, and therefore a huge amount of whale selling would have already happened and start to happen in BTC land? I am just thinking critically here...

Jeff i love your work and i agree wholeheartedly that we are at risk after october 1st. Anyone who thinks nothing will change afterwards, no matter to what degree is disillusioned.

What's the over and under for this one? I'll take the under... ;)

I've been short the S&P via puts for 4 weeks waiting for the volatility... it can't come soon enough!

Take your money out of the bank.

Nice info regarding Monero. If true, following your newsletters will help a lot regarding investments in cryptos. Worth a try.
Any other currencies worth investing into ?

Btw, how is life in RepDom ? :-)

Check out Blockpay. It is the future. It also helps most of the coins at the same time. You can currently buy in with a large discount during pre ICO.

My favorite saying is:

No government is good government

It can be read in numerous ways, but as anarchists, I think we can all agree on the best meaning for it.

A potential Mayor Pro-Tem was walking my street last week and thought it'd be a pro to tell me he wants to return our police department. I told him we need to remove our corrupt Sheriff department too. ...he then chuckled his way down the street as he realized he was neither getting my vote nor putting one of those hideous voting signs in my yard.

Hahaha Good on you, @colsonite!


I was wondering if you could comment?

I've often wondered if it was ok to keep some of my bank investments (ie. locked in accounts such as IRAs or RRSPs) in investments such as gold trusts (with verified allocation like Sprott) and quality gold/silver mining stocks. It's just not practical for all of us to remove all our money from the system entirely. Thanks for any comments.

Who owns internet as a whole ? Who can put his arm on top of it and sed " that's mine " i will control it ?
As for gold , wait and see , it will go to 2000 US as a rocket to the stars by the end of this year .

Only the domain name part. IP addresses should still be accessible.


Would be cool if Steem DNS was implemented by then. ;)

Yeah I agree :)

This could be the setup for a great postapocalyptic dystopian novel or movie! So twisted!

So twisted...and not exciting. Haha Although, I am excited for the battle of good and evil. I hope I'm alive to participate.

@dollarvigilante Have you seen on at the bottom right where it says "Dollar to Gold Ratio NOW" is $8,118 per oz..

Thanks for the Monero tip😊

Taking the internet down would cause all the nerdy cellar rats to come out of their IT-caves. These guys are steeled by WOW, and HALO. They are hardened by Half-Live, they are desensitized by CoD.
The gov and the elites will surely be aware of that fact and never mess with them.

LoL Hardened only to caffeine and repetitive finger motions.

They could, who knows what stuff they are planning, they might replace the entire DNS system with something more orwellian, they could go after individual websites that they don't like, and more.

I'm playing around with scenarios in my head as to what event could postpone the election and the one that pops out the most is a disaster at the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

For their "business" it seems like a detrimental move for their agenda--complete control. If people can't communicate, they'll do anything, and get away with it on an unfathomable scale. And, survivors will eventually have to learn they are also broke.

Re: control. The opposite is also true, that through the internet the majority are controlled, by the MSM, and also by huge amounts of astroturfing in the Without the hold over people that the internet has, the governments would have less control: why would they switch it off? Maybe just for an hour or two to freak people out, then switch it back on and most people would be so busy catching up on their Facebook that they wouldn't have time to complain.

So my question is how? Can any one shit down the Internet short of shutting don the entire power grid ?

People that don't understand how the internet works believe this. They are calling either a firewall or service quality degradation a kill switch.

Ever since we caught on to the Shemitah timetable that Jonathan Cahn had discovered

the potential timetable being followed by the globalists

Starting to hedge your bets? :)

Yeah right. You really think will let that happen. They are the true keepers. I don't know where this guy gets his info. follows the Amazonite Calender. Haven't heard of it? That's because that is how true secret players role. Do you really think they would let you have access to their shit? They play you at every turn with thier Rothschild / Rockefeller puppets and amazing Prime deals.

I seriously doubt that they would "shut the Internet off" because they're to damn greedy, and by shutting the Internet off they would also be effectively shutting off their money flow. So, yeah, it's possible, but highly unlikely.

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