The IRS Now Has Moved Beyond Extortion To Outright Theft While the Police Rob Americans Blind

in #money8 years ago

People need to realize what government is. It isn’t there to protect you. All government really is is a criminal enterprise that is the most successful one in each geographical jurisdiction.

The only difference between the mafia and government is size. And the IRS is just the largest protection racket in the US.

If you pay the IRS its “protection money,” which they call taxes, they won’t kidnap you and put you into a rape camp. That’s the “protection.”

But now the US government is so bankrupt financially and morally that it is going beyond an outright mafia operation to straight up robbing people.

In the US today both yourself and your property are guilty until proven innocent.

“Asset forfeiture,” which is just theft by the police, that Donald Trump is a big fan of, is now the leading cause of robbery in the US coming in at over $5 Billion USD annually.

People are brainwashed in 12 years of government indoctrination camps and thousands of hours of pro-police propaganda on their television programming to believe that without government police they’d be getting constantly robbed by others.

Well, it turns out that the police rob Americans of more money than all private criminals combined. And they can do it with complete immunity too.

And, in this latest report, the jealous IRS has gotten in on the act because they wanted a piece of the action too.

The IRS already steals more from Americans than any other entity at over $2 trillion per year in taxes. But even that isn’t enough, according to this latest report. On top of all the taxation theft, they are just outright stealing money from people’s bank accounts now.

Banks are forced to report bank deposits of greater than $10,000 in the USSA, which leads many business owners to divvy up their deposits into smaller increments to not set off any red flags with the thieving IRS.

And, in the land of the free, where everything is illegal, a law called the Bank Secrecy Act deems it illegal to deliberately make smaller deposits to specifically avoid the reporting requirements that are associated with depositing sums greater than $10,000.

The main reason people deposits sums under the 10,000 threshold is out of sheer fear. Most don’t recognize it consciously, because of all the “land of the free” brainwashing they’ve had since birth… but on an unconscious level, most in the US know they live in a tyrannical fasco-communist police state and that almost anything they do can make them the target of the government. Plus, on a more conventional level, no one wants to deal with the sheer stack of paperwork involved in the declaration process above the arbitrary $10,000 limit.

When someone intentionally deposits chunks of money under $10,000 this supposed “crime” is called “structuring” and the official reason given for it is to combat terrorism, drug dealing, and “other serious criminal activity.”

Ironically, it’s the US government - the maker of the rule - who is the biggest state sponsor of crime and terrorism in the world. But, those aren’t the truthful reasons anyway. The real reason is to make sure that every transaction done in the US is monitored by the government so it can plunder as much of it as possible.

According to the recently released Inspector General’s (IG) report, the IRS went after hundreds of cases of people suspected of “structuring” that otherwise gave no indication of criminal activity outside of making deposits of less than $10k.

The IG took a sample of over 250 IRS forfeiture actions where the primary reason for asset seizure was solely because the associated dollar value of deposits was consistently less than $10,000 and they found that in over 90% of those cases the businesses or individuals had obtained that money legally.

Moreover, the IG report found that the IRS, being the thugs they are, knew that most of these entities such as jewelry stores, gas stations, and restaurant owners - all who deal mainly with cash - had made their money legally and as a consequence decided to deliberately target them.

In this tyrannical extension of the war on cash, the IRS agents are only questioning these affected business owners after they had already seized their assets!

So in the USSA today you can neither travel in your car with assets of any significant value without road pirates stealing them nor can you deposit them into your bank account in increments of less than 10,000 without raising red flags and also getting them stolen.

And, if you somehow avoid all that then you’ll still be extorted for up to 50% of your wealth via income tax.

And so here at TDV, we continue to advocate keeping your assets outside of the Western financial system and especially out of the reach of the thieving fasco-communist paws of the US federal government and their road pirate minions.

One of the best ways to do that is via cryptocurrencies. That is why the government constantly tries to make cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, look bad. Because if everyone started using them, then most of their extortion rackets wouldn’t work anymore.

But, that’s just one good reason to look into bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The other good reason is that many other people are beginning to realize the value in them and are driving the price of bitcoin and other cryptos higher.

We recommended one to TDV newsletter subscribers (see more on how to subscribe here) called Dash recently. We recommended it to subscribers at $17.15 and it has since skyrocketed past $100 before correcting to just over $60 as of the time of this writing.

To get more information on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, click here.

Or view all the presentations from our recent Dollar Vigilante Internationalization & Investment Summit which featured a lot of information on cryptocurrencies here.

You’ve been brainwashed, since birth, that the government and police are here to protect you. They’re not. They are the biggest enemy to your freedom and your prosperity. Take steps to protect yourself from them today.


Self defense is still perfectly lawful and, unless this is fully redundant, constitutional, and adherent to common and natural law.

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Jeff, you do know a lot about theft. And so do your customers! I'm not the only one that has been scammed by TDV Immigration. There are many others. Read my allegations here:

That sounds scary that the gov takes money away from innocent people. The gov has too much debt that they cannot handle. This is sad. Even some state govt seem to be doing it too. The people who live in the city with high income have to pay higher sales tax. The govt these days are takers. They are hunger for money.

Very nice ~.~ thank you for sharing