You will get paid to live in this place

in #money9 years ago

Just live and do something in this place you will get paid
so where is it ???
Let's check it out

Detroit, Michigan, United States

The goverment launch a uniqe program that called “Challenge Detroit”
This will offer US$2.500 to a profesional worker who want to live and work in that city

Ponga, Asturias, Spain

Just live in here and gave a birth so the goverment will paid you 3000 euro(US$3,363.15) for every single child

Alaska, United States

The goverment paid citizen who live in here since 1975
If you move to this place and stay for 1 year or longer then the goverment will paid you US$1,250

Saskatchewan, Canada

Very lucky if you are a fresh graduate from university
You will get paid US$20,000 for live and work in here at least 7 years

Niagara, United States

The goverment offer US$7,000 to teenagers to live near niagara waterfall at least 2 years

Utrecht, Netherland

If you're still single you get US$1,000
If you're already married you get US$1,450
This will paid to you MONTHLY

WOW get packed up and ready to move among that place LoL

are you want to move too ???


The Netherlands sounds promising.....are they gun friendly?

Definitely not :D

Fucking socialist pricks....LOL.....I might move there and walk around with my Springfield Arms 1911 Compact 45 ACP on my waist and my Smith and Wesson MP15 (AR15 around my shoulder.....see how they like that shit!

Saying things like that on the internet already got quite some people into big trouble

Oh man, I would have liked to move to Spain, but I can't give birth, I'm a man.