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RE: Why I Left Canada and Became A Citizen of the Dominican Republic

in #money9 years ago

This was the funniest part for me:

"Apparently, they are open to ideas on how to improve life in the DR (that's pretty rare for government people) and are open to these ideas of free markets. I am looking forward to my conversation with them on getting rid of their central bank and instituting bitcoin and Steem as their national currency."

For real? I lived there for more than 30 years, worked for the Government and there is 90% chance that those people don't really want to help anyone, or they want to help only if there is a good amount of money for them to take.

And you have connections to the top people in government... let me guess, these people are great people that want to help everyone too right? Don't think so.

Medical care in Canada almost killed your mom? That's unfortunate. In DR EVERY day people die for the lack of medical care and infrastructure to begin with... I've witnessed myself people dying being rejected at the door of clinics and hospitals because they didn't have money, or insurance, or they were simply "too sick and hopeless" to be accepted, the owners of the institutions don't want their records to be stained by more people dying, who pay less cause die fast.

Sure, if you have lots of money, because of the corruption in DR (who affects mostly the poor and not the rich), then you can live as a king... of course, abusing other people and buying your way through all the mess. It's a completely different story for the majority of the country, who don't have even their basic needs covered.

DR might not be directly involved in terrorism and bombing countries, but for such a small country, the amount of abuse, stealing and just plain fuckery that's being played day by day against the population is too much.