What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question of The Week

in #money7 years ago (edited)

My answer to this question literally popped into my head without any thought this week! I felt that the answer needed to be one that includes all of humanity and not just one country or continent. What humanity is sorely lacking these days is any kind of equality or fair distribution of money and opportunity. Our free market Capitalist systems have brought us a long way in the last few hundred years, but have they had their time?!

Today in almost if not every country in the world, we are seeing certain companies dominate the entire commercial scene. The larger these companies get, the easier it is becoming for them to manipulate, control, advertise, and totally divert the money from people of all levels of society into their coffers. We seem almost powerless to choose other options, due to social compliance, brain washing (advertising) and aggressive competition to wipe out anyone who challenges them. The motto of most of the biggest companies in the world is that they want everything for themselves, and nothing to be left for others, not even a scrap. This mentality is even seen in countries like China and Russia who not so long ago were the leaders in socialism and even communism.

Today, no country is exempt from the increasing trend of large companies 'cleaning up' and taking over marketplaces that have previously been diverse and producing high quality products and services for generations. People don't often fix things in our disposable world, we just buy new things instead. To give a few examples, not long ago people would call a 'Mini Cab' to get home. Now we call Uber. People only ever used to go to the butchers to buy their meat, now most people go to large supermarkets. Children used to go to to toy shop to buy the latest games, now they are buying Online or with Toys R Us mega store. Farmers markets used to be the mainstay of the weekly shop, and now huge supermarkets have cornered the whole food buying market. The list goes on, and the trend is clear. Whilst this might not seem overly problematic, it is in fact one of the greatest problems facing humanity that we have ever witnessed.

Let us consider the impact of these companies. When we buy from a large company in our own town, where does the money go? The simple answer is that every Pound, Dollar, Euro, & Yen we spend with these companies goes straight out of the community, out of the city, and usually out of the country that is was taken from. Virtually nothing is ever given back to the community where it came from. The largest companies hoard money and redirect it to into very few and highly selected places. Worse still, the vast majority of money is kept in offshore bank accounts, hidden away not to be touched. This is all in the name of competition and survival. The bigger a company gets, the more money it needs to put away in case of problems down the line. The figures are quite alarming really! Last year the Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.4 Trillion Offshore. This is mainly done to avoid tax, but it also has the side effect of removing vast amounts of money from circulation.

data and image source

The net effect of this trend is that a huge percentage of the money in every town and city in the world is being siphoned off to far away bank accounts never to be seen again. Nothing comes back to the community except for a minimal salary. The larger the company, the more pressure is on them to cut corners and take advantage of their power. On top of that, they are the most inefficient mechanisms of distributing and producing things as they are all centralized, with 1000's of miles of transport systems to get their products out to the whole world. They are not only a social disaster, they are an environmental one too!

We have to acknowledge this problem on a social and local level, so that we can start to make different choices. When we spend money, we give our consent and power to others. When we buy products from mega-corporations, we are causing further disharmony and inequality for all. The levels of inequality today are at epidemic levels. The 1% is actually the 0.001%, and its getting worse. As big companies swallow and buy out bigger ones, we are fast becoming a one company world! This is very dangerous and yet very few people are really talking about it, or doing much to change it.

"When we spend money, we give our consent and power to others."

In reality, less than 50 mega-corporations control our lives. They control our politicians. They control our government. They use their immense profits to buy influence. They buy off our politicians with campaign contributions and bribes. They buy off officials at all levels of Federal, State, and local government. They pay for tax laws that benefit them. They write the laws and regulations governing their industries. They collude to further enrich themselves at the expense of the citizens. You are living in a corporate fascist state. If you can’t see that, you must be dependent upon the good graces of these mega-corporations.

10 Corporations that now own nearly all the others!


This is one of those problems that only WE can solve. The solution is SO SIMPLE, that there is really no reason to ignore it. The solution, and answer to this week's Question Of The Week is to BUY LOCAL! That's it, its so simple! When we start spending money in our small local shops, we will start to turn this problem around. We can squash the giants of oppressive commerce in a blink of an eye, just buy not spending our money with them. We have been led to believe that they are superior, but they have fooled us. The products from most mega corporations are in fact inferior, and in almost in every way. The local shop is almost a relic, and yet the local shop is actually the cornerstone of a healthy and prosperous society.

"We can squash the giants of oppressive commerce in a blink of an eye,
just buy not spending our money with them."

Not only that, but when we do buy certain things locally, we get many other great benefits! Consider our food for example. I don't think there is a better example of a product that has been stripped of any humane levels of quality. When you choose to buy food locally, from a farmers market or similar, here are some extra benefits that you get:

1. Fresher food is available at your local market.

2. Local produce is better for you. e.g Local food is GMO-free.

3. Locally grown food tastes better.

4. Buying local helps the local economy.

5. Buying local helps support your neighbors.

6. You know where your food comes from if you buy it at the market.

7. Local food supports a clean environment and benefits wildlife.

8. Local food preserves genetic diversity.

9. It can help you save money.

10. Local food is about the future. By supporting local farmers today, you can help ensure that there will be farms in your community tomorrow, and that future generations will have access to nourishing, flavorful, and abundant food.

The list goes on, but I think you get the idea! This is such an important topic.. because we can ALL do something about this! Everyone one of us spends our money every day, and VERY few of us stop to consider the impacts of that. I hope this post can inspire you, as it has me, to buy local, support our local community and bring some of the power and wealth back to our communities. It doesn't mean we have to buy EVERYTHING from local shops, but what if we bought some or more things from our local shops. At least that would tip the balance back in the our favor. The lesson here is that if we don't do it, no one else can!



Followed and upvoted. It is so important to do what we can to get our needs met from the best source we can, which of course varies a lot based on locale and income and the like. Certain things there aren't really "ethical alternatives" for (like electronics), and people seem to think it's all or nothing ("oh i see you have x brand computer! What about (their labor practices, the rare earth issue, etc.)?? You're a hypocrite!"), but it's not. No major change came about in one fell swoop, and nobody passed some impossible purity test to get it done (I spoke about this very thing in a recent essay of mine, called On Solidarity And Compassion, which is on my Steemit). Simply put, we live inside a system and we still have to survive in it. But we CAN do SOMETHING, in your particular focus perhaps that's shopping at farmer's markets, maybe it's buying soap from a home crafter on Etsy, maybe it's finding gifts at holiday craft fair markets, maybe it's reasearching companies before you buy, maybe it's buying co-op owned and fair trade. There are a million potential little steps, and once you start taking them, you take more, and perhaps influence others to start. Change tends to start small and seem impossible, like climbing a mountain, but eventually you hit that peak and rolling downhill goes REALLY fast after that. ;)

thanks for a great comment @phoenixwren . i agree, its all about the small choices we make!

In Germany the new trend is called Solawi (Short for Solidarische Landwirtschaft, solidary agriculture). A group of a people finds a farmer, or vice versa, they give him money, so he can produce food (usually organic) and after the harvests people get their share of the food. So the farmer has some financial stability and is freed from his depency on the big discounters and their cut-throat pricing power and the people get better, fresher, healthier food, maybe even cheaper than in the local organic shop because there is no more middleman.

very nice! yep thats the way to do it!

I love this idea... I struggle with health food store prices. I live where I can go buy from the farm and often cheaper. However everything I need isn't grown here. But I bet if more people did this in groups the area would have a more diverse farming. I need to look into this.

stop voting and paying taxes, even if it means becoming a perpetual traveller, great post btw, so many ways to attack the cyst-em

YES! that was actually my first thought, and answer.. but i knew almost no one will do that!

I have managed to do it legally by leaving my country! ;-)

I've never filed in my life. Im 50. If I could decide what my taxes went to i might but until I know its not being spent on the military industrial ill never file. I give in other ways.

great post @eco-alex.

what the shout is really touching. It is time we care more about local products to empower people's economy.

thanks for sharing

thank you, Im glad you agree! ;-)

if you allow me, I want to summarize your writing and I translate it into Indonesian by keeping it in mind that this is your writing.

SURE go for it.. just link back to this post and im ok with that.. Good luck!


If it had been today or tomorrow it would do it

it IS.. the deadline is for TUesday only.. The competition started just yesterday with the ecoTrain posting. .

I live in a small town . Local business has been crushed by large cooperate stores. I agree with you. I came to this conclusion awhile ago. We only shop local business. We by locally grown food and support " mom and pop" businesses. I feel that we are doing our part in changing the world

you ARE! glad we are figuring this out! Kudos to you for choosing to go local and make this world a better place!

Sure you deserve it @eco-alex . Im beginning to follow you now. Emulating you from now onward

thanks mr fantastic!

Yes, I like local bussines, there's heart in them, like pastry corner as opposed to Domino's ;-)

RIGHT! its so true! imagine if some big company took over pastry corner!!! well that will never happen of course as they have loyalty like family!

@eco-alex got you a $7.57 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@eco-alex got you a $7.57 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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Great post @eco-alex, I totally agree! :)

I have been sharing this message myself on Facebook and through my newsletters. Money has power and when we give our money to local businesses and those doing good then we are giving them power. The more people who do this the more power goes back to people and communities.

It frustrates me that the big corporations are now buying out independent organic companies so the choice is getting less, so they organic and small need our support more than ever.

yup.. its crazy HOW we let this happen for the sake of 'convenience' .. THANK You for proposing this question as i didnt realise the errors of my ways as much as i do now after writing this post!

Lots of truth in the simplicity and efficiency of this action. Shall we close our Amazon and E-Bay accounts then? :-)

well, i said at the end you dont have to do 100% .. i mean buying local gadgets where we live is totally crazy! we ONLY shop in local farmer markets too! ;-)

Great post Alex. I cant believe I missed this weeks question as i'm on vacation. Great question! Ill be reading them all soon with my full voting power since I have been away. All great things on your list. In principle buying local helps keep big box stores away. I go out of my way to buy local for many reasons. I also buy material items used when I can. Food is such an issue and one I struggle with in all honestly. I try hard to buy local, organic, etc. But I cant afford to buy all my food at local health food stores. I need to get more self sufficient in that way....

Well since I missed this week. Ill just say this -
Everything we do, from the smallest gestures to the grandest sacrifices makes a difference. Everything we do maters. Every smile , every frown and every word effects someone or something. Its important to try to do things with purpose, kindness and love. That one small thing, that interaction with the neighbor could be the thing needed that begins a cascade of events ... etc. etc.

thanks Tim!
Glad to hear you are all over it too! very cool!
& Thanks for you're entry!! ;-) Very nice !

Awesome scope to this post here Alex. Really enjoyed reading it and I would have to agree that buying local is a powerful and logical step towards enriching life both for your community and yourself.

I have written a whole unpublished book on this topic - the answer is love. Its always love :)

ahhh yes.. of course it is @hopehuggs !

This won't just help our local businessmen and vendors but will also bring us closer together as a community and the other benefits such as a healthy body and mind are obviously there. We should definitely start following this approach :)

yes totally.. the community aspect is a big part of the benefits that we get from buying local. If you've ever been to a good Farmers market, it a really fun and enjoyable experience to see and meet the growers and ask them questions about it..

I haven't been to farmer's markets because we don't really have them here in Pakistan but I have been to trade fairs where local companies come together to showcase their products and talents and yes, it is quite an enjoyable experience.

Nice Post and also it's a great idea @eco-alex from local shops we can help the farmers to grow up. I followed you sir, please follow me and please help to add the anything else in #traditionalmarket what some a pic or the instrument you have to make traditional market is still here around us. thank for sharing the Idea, I Followed you, voted and resteemed

Warm Regard from Aceh
