in #money7 years ago


Good Morning Friends. Welcome To The Brief Training On The Bitworldcenter Investment This Morning.

To excel and really get the most out of the Bitworldcenter opportunity. You have to think only investment. Invest only and don't recruit anyone. Don't do referrer business. Nayyyyy! That is not the picture I want you to see when I train guys about BWC.

The picture I want you to see is only the investment part of the business. Yes! Only investment. That is why I joined. This is called the REVERSE STRATEGY LAW OF MONEY.

That is being in the "I"-Side of the Cash Flow Quadrant on the Right.

After Investing, that is 100% risk. Wait to get out your capital, that is zeroing your risk to 0%. Then you are good to go as you are now currently running your investment with free money at no risk to you. This is the money you will use to grow your investment and scale up to a comfortable position in the Business, where you can begin to earn really cool cash daily with completely no risk to you. Hence you enjoy that way as long as the business last. And you become truly Rich with no heartache and zero 0% risk. Because your initial risk and bravado which you have already taking out of the system, have paved way for you to enjoy this new reality.

This is how I do my investment and also zero my risk to 0% by first pulling out my initially invested capital. Then go on to run the investment with the trusted company on totally free money and at no risk because I have nothing to lose anymore. Then scale up, earn big, and live life. Smiles👌. And that is the reason why I can teach anyone investment in any business I like freely whether they came into the business through my link or NOT.

Final word for today on the training is; Stay Selfless, Never Be Greedy, and Stay Focused On The Goal. Cheers👌.
