Greg Hunter interviews Bo Polny, financial analyst, analyst of time, and founder of , about the economy, gold, and markets.
- (00:49) U.S. Federal Reserve warns "Asset valuations elevated", coronavirus presents "new risk" to global outlook;
- (01:09) Why didn't your forecast of a market crash not work out?;
- (02:33) Tell us about Daniel's 7-year timeline;
- (10:28) What are you forecasting for this coming week?;
- (13:02) Are you calling for a stock market sell-off into April 21?;
- (15:32) What effect will this have on the U.S. Presidential election?;
- (19:13) Is the April low going to be the low of this cycle? What happens?;
- (22:07) What is your forecast for gold?;
- (25:55) What do you see for gold from now through April?;
- (26:39) Do big investors know something is coming?;
- (32:37) Bitcoin and crypto-currencies;
- (36:07) Bitcoin is more predictable;
- (40:28) Is the safest play silver?;
- And more...
55 minute video by Greg Hunter published 8 February 2020
Link Associated with this Interview
God’s Trump Cycles Continue – Bo Polny
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Thank You!
Thank you!
I like to listen to Bo Polny, however more for entertainment than timing or trend information. But that is in the hopeful mode as opposed to analysis mode.
As far as his stock market predictions, it is mostly for entertainment. However, his cryptocurrency predictions do have a bit of validity.
Have a great week!
Steem on,
thank you for sharing the interview with GREG HUNTER, interesting news
Thank you very much for sharing the interview with GREG HUNTER, have a good day and a great mood
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Big changes are happening. Thanks, as always, Greg well done
Que lastima @etcmike, con tantos problemas económicos, aquí cuesta mucho conseguir hasta la comida y ahora hay que sumarle la locura de los que no saben hacer bien las cosas, razón tiene mi maestra cuando nos dice ¡Aprendan bien a sumar, restar etc. Así sabrán como comprar en la cantina!...
En cierto modo todo esto es muy ambiguo, solo hasta que ocurre deja de serlo por lo que es un poco difícil seguirle paso a Polny, así como a muchos otros…
In a way this is all very ambiguous, only until it happens it stops being so it's a little difficult to keep up with Polny, as well as many others...
Tendremos que esperar hasta el miércoles para ver qué tan cercanas llegan las predicciones de Bo Polny…
I mean... If they can keep plugging the hole by printing money, the point is that every time they spread it out it will be worse, and there really won't be any alternatives, not so radical...
Es decir… Si pueden seguir tapando el agujero imprimiendo dinero, el punto es que cada vez que lo extiendan será peor, ¿y en realidad no habrá alternativas, no tan radicales?...
Good interview series thanks for sharing
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