The Central Bank Will Need Another 4 Trillion In QE When The Economy Collapses - Episode 1055a

in #money9 years ago


  • Greece;
  • United Kingdom and BREXIT;
  • Baltic Dry Index;
  • FED;
  • Gold and Silver;

16 minute video by X22Report

X22Report Spotlight YouTube channel: X22Report Spotlight
X22Report YouTube channel: X22Report
X22Report website X22 Report


"Only" $4,000,000,000,000? Slackers!
Printing money is soooo 20th century...

These days, some low-level flunky at a central bank can just click a few times

and voila!: Trillions of dollars, yen , euros, quatloos or whatevers are conjured up out of thin air.

So true!

Steem on,