the name of the guy who said it escapes me...but I think it's appropriate.
oh...your numbers are off by a huge's not 30/300 years...more like 30months 3000 years.
you know more than me have fast tech is advancing.
I keep thinking that when i was born a terra byte of computer storage could not be had for ANY amount of money...and today my wife has a terra byte drive on her (cheap) laptop.. The future is arriving at warp speed.
Not so long ago a new Geospatial representation of the world was introduced to the intarwebz: Microsoft's Terraserver, highly trumpeted because it was comprised of over a terabyte of data.
I'm looking forward to the day when something like Golem creates a cloud of the net, and we can trust thin clients. IPFS is an amazing concept that promises to practically eliminate excessive redundancy on the net and speed access to data using torrential hashing to connect nodes to data, rather than addresses.
Moore's Law seems to not be an exponential enough expression of growth rates of data capacity.
the angle of the dangle is vertical
the speed, the acceleration is increasing.