this has also been a worry of mine about steem, since i invested, if steem is growing this much and most posts that gain traction around here seem to be "circle jercs" or "i love steem so much" posts, and people are posting to post to gain from it, we´ll be stuck with not a social media of good quality content but of cat pics, boobs and yeah basically "the internet".... p.s. i am still a steem investor (i became afraid of posting anything relatively negative about steem after being bullyed and downvoted on by a whale for a post on economic history, bubbles and the need for precoution in investing yesterday...)
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Hi @eythor, I'm sorry you were bullied. Yeah, I purposely made this post's title provocative so I could try to draw out some whales. We'll see if it pays off...
i deleted... dont have the balls to say anything else than steem´s economic model is great, and in the long term will be GREAT full of boobs and cat pics. :) and moneyz for all
ohh tought i deleted my comment, but i´m drunk... so :)