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RE: Is Money the Root of all Evil?

in #money2 years ago

This post was easy to read and I completely understood your view points and opinions. I agree with your thought that money is not the route of all evil. I feel like many people blame money but in reality the issue is themselves. Some people just don't know how to deal with a large amount of money and that soon changes how they use to act.

This thinking, according to the Bible, is not wrong. Money is NOT the root of all evil. However, I do not see the money as mine. I see the money as a gift from the Lord and so I hold it with open hands so that HE may do whatever He wants with it. For a lot of Christians, this means giving money to churches, missions, and those less fortunate than them. Christians spend their money in this way because they see it is a gift from God and not something to be grasped OR LOVED, but given back to the Lord for His purpose.

I completely agree with the above quote. God gives us countless number of gifts and money is one of them. Some people tend to abuse this gift that God has given us. This specific gift God has given us is almost like a test on what we use our money for. Some use it to give back or help others, and some abuse the amount of money they have. Money can sometimes even take over people's lives and never change them back to the person they were before.

Rations help keep morale up and keep people afloat, but it is possible that this also enables people to not work. This was a controversial conversation that happened in 2020 when the stimulus checks were sent out. The very name tells the intention of the checks. To stimulate the economy. This particularly worked. However, the United States is in such deep debt that a lot of people were concerned with this decision to give handouts. I wonder how this was similar or different to society's reaction to the food rations in Germany post-war.

This quote is great at explaining what happens to people when things go crazy. If things start to change in the world, people tend to lose their minds. People can get lazy quick when they start to receive hand outs from others. I noticed nowadays that people will try anything to not have to work. The world is getting lazy and this is what causes the economy to shut down. It's sad that the US just wanted to help the people that are less fortunate but at the end of the day many people took that check for granted.