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RE: Seek Your Independence: Anything Else Will Destroy You

in #money8 years ago (edited)

The word 'Government' comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means: "to control," and the Latin noun “mens” which means: "mind". In other words, the literal translation of the term is “mind-control”.

I don't think that's actually true. I'm not disagreeing with your overall point here, just pointing out incorrect memes.

"I'll say what I say whenever I hear someone complaining about how government=Evil: Fine then, you can put out your own fires, catch your own criminals, and pave your own roads."

The government is just a stooge for the real power. The politicians are beholden to the big money. Saying that government, in and of itself, is evil is like saying
"The Girl Scouts are EVIL. Yes they are! They have GOVERNANCE!!!"

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, now. We need ways to organize people, but indeed, we don't need nuisance laws and a nanny state.


"ment" definitely does not come from "mens" or "mind." Sheesh. He'll say absolutely anything that fits his narrative.