Investing and emotions... where are you?

in #money7 years ago

First of all, let me start by saying I have no clue if this is right or not. I am just an amateur like most of us who stumbled into this Crypto thing and then put some money into it. (luckily most before November, sadly some after) So I am by no means an expert but this is not about advice on buying or selling. This is seeing where you are on the emotional scale below. Did you experience this wave as well or are you an ice cold trader that does not care about value only about swings and movement?

Right now I am still 30% up on my overall investment so I am not to worried but that does not mean I am a fan of this crypto market bloodbath.

Now here is my limited view translated on a cool chart that I can follow, I think I have hit all these stages lined out in there. I think lucky for me that I have been able to survive the panic and capitulation stage and have not caved or sold it all and took my losses.

emo investment cycle.jpg

Euophoria was December with that FOMO supported all time high (we all recall BTC was at 20k or so) and you had all so called "crypto guru's" predicting it is going to $100k, maybe 500k (1 million and sucking their own dicks on live TV)

The present is a reality check

This is the phase where powers that be/banks/rotschilds and all those other 1%ers dont want to miss out, so what do they do? Coordinated FUD etc, drive the price down. The smart money needs to come into the space first and then they will allow things to move back up but not until then.

But do not miss the small signs of transformational progress.

  • Coinbase getting Barclays account,
  • certain airliners and retailers starting to accept BTC and crypto alts
  • major hedge funds building positions
  • ETH futures
  • Circle buying Poloniex
  • etc

The next wave will come, but first its time for depression and despondency

😪 I might depressed now but I feel a glimmer of HOPE

  • where are you on this scale?
  • did you sell?
  • did you hold?
  • did you start posting less on Steem?
  • Are you buying now, or getting that Fiat ready?

Now I`m having hope. and then I start posting more on steem.

yea, just keep on steemin

That's a pretty cool chart, thanks for sharing! It quite accurately describes my journey as well, except for the capitulation part. I got in early December, which was right before the huge hype, or just about when it started. I only invested in projects that really caught my attention and I thought to have potential in the long term. I'm not much of a trader / TA magician. I sold some of my altcoin positions when they were at all-time highs, but apart from that, I'm more the holding type of guy 😅. I didn't expect prices to fall that much but kind of appreciated that things cooled/slowed down a bit. It was quite hectic, FOMO and Hype followed by FUD in a colorful social media, news and ad explosion. Once things cooled down, I could focus on the technological aspects, which is why I joined the space in the first place. Also, I started my Steem Blog, so in my case, it's quite the opposite. I didn't post less or stopped posting on Steem, it's where I got started 😉. I try to describe technical aspects of Cryptocurrencies in an accessible and understandable way. Feel free to have a look at my blog, I appreciate any feedback, input, and comment. Thanks for this interesting post @felander, looking forward to your next ones and further activities of @cryptoworldzug and the Crypto Traders Zug group.
Cheers - @sblue

nice to have you following, would be cool to meet you at one of the meetups if you can.
we are also on discord so feel free to join there as well

and I can see you are not selling your spare voting power:
should be worth it with your steem power

Nice to have found you and your group! It would be a pleasure to meet you at one of the meetups, I'll definitely try to join the one next week. I'll be joining your Telegram Chat and Discord any moment.

In fact, Smartsteem is why is stumbled upon your Blog and the Crypto Trader Zug Logo competition. I had a closer look at the Project and the Team, both of which seem to be awesome 👍. Currently, I'm waiting to be whitelisted and have planned to take further action(delegation / selling / buying / bidding) once I (hopefully) got that whitelist entry.

I am still really positive.

The fundamentals of cryptocurrency get stronger as time passes, short-term price is not relevant in this equation. It's easy to be a peace-time general, not so much during war-time.

Stay strong folks and control your emotions!

yep, exactly, I still have all those emotions but since I know I have them and where they come from they are easier to control.

detached from it, it is getting better.

slowly, guess a little dip more and then...

Great information because when you invest, emotions are involved also. In decision you also used emotion. @felander

and its hard not to let your emotions rule you... especially in these cases.

I'm just holding everything and not checking prices. Hopefully next time I look at the prices in a few years, I'll be a millionare hehe.

I try not to check them compulsively but still, thats hard, hopefully we will all be better off

I still buy the dips, accumuate and hodl!

When investing in cryptocurrencies, you have to have hard nerves and a lot of patience.
Unfortunately, many media spread panic and bring people to sell.
Just hold the coins and wait.
I say only one thing to the moon

Great article, followed .

they won't believe you :P they'll have to look onto the whole graph to see the history prices :D