Oh my goodness. I report people to steemcleaners frequently. I do not know why this would make sense to you to continue down this path of self appointed spam destroyer if you have nothing to say of your own.
I've been on many platforms over the 8+ years I have been pushing my weight loss message and steemit is excellent on crushing spam as compared to other platforms. They get reports and people downvote the offender into oblivion.
Maybe they do not agree that the person you are worried about is posting spam and so that is why they are still here.
And as I mentioned before - you are on other people's posts - botting yourself great rewards on every comment, spamming the posts up with bot comments, and not even voting for the people themselves. I just do not know why you think this is a good plan for success on Steemit. If the big guys do not want us to self-vote our comments, they can surely not want us to bidbot them all day.