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RE: The Goldilocks of Money

in #money6 years ago

I am 60 years old now and no matter what I have earned - high or low - I have never had a comfortable monetary life. Bills and needs eat into all levels of the money I have had.

I lived in Appalachia for one year and no one had much money. But all would feed another mouth and help you beyond what you could imagine. Now I live in SE Asia and most people I know do not have much. But again they will help anyone, and there is always room for one more.

I contrast this with places I lived that were "rich" and found a different attitude there. In those places people put up walls and security cameras to make sure no one takes what they have.

For me - no amount of money would make me happy. Whatever I have has to be enough. I look to other parts of life for happiness and generally stay in that lucky place.


That’s a fair bit of life and world experience you got to draw from and I’m pretty sure many of our so called financial problems are due to a perceived need for materialism!

If we simply could evaluate purchases more rationally instead of adding in emotions, class and status I think you’d see your money go further and your happiness much higher


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