LIVE Google Hangout: Pre-Introduction of Tim, Paul, and me in the "Q&A Roundtable about #Steemit” on youtube livestreams on **July 25, 2016** at ***7:00 PM CST***
#trading #bitshares #youtube #podcast #livestreams #price #steem #cryptocurrencies #steemshare #news #blockchain #steemit #video #introduceyourself #bitcoin #bittrex #crypto-news
Anduweb: What is the most unique feature of #steem compared to all the others?
It's unique in that people don't need fiat to get into the currency; they can buy-in through sweat equity. Also, it can introduce #cryptocurrency to people that wouldn't enter into the cyrpto space otherwise.
Paul: how is #steemit an improvement to #reddit gold or even changetip?
What tools and websites were built for steem?
-What is the difference between steem and steempower?
Here are some links on #steemshare that I'll discuss a bit during the show:
Thanks for this steemit post list app, @originate!
Here's the link to where it was streamed: