Money Movie : Margin Call

in #money8 years ago


                             Why you should watch this movie:

      First of all the it  follows the key people at an investment bank, over a 24-hour period, during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis.  We can still recall those days in the summer of 2008, during the Obama-McCain campaign, when America seemed awash in prosperity, and the stock market was setting records. Then one firm after another was forced to declare bankruptcy, the nation's economic structure was threatened, and Congress ponied up its huge bailout. It shows that the entire system was build wrong.


       Secondly the film shows you  how its characters are concerned only by the welfare of their corporations. There is no larger sense of the public good. Corporations are amoral, and exist to survive and succeed, at whatever human cost. This is what the Occupy Wall Street protesters are angry about: They are not against capitalism, but about Wall Street dishonesty and greed. 


        I think the most interesting thing about this movie is how it shows the world of Wall Street as it is .


          Oh... and another thing that i liked is that how a rocket scientist( Peter Sullivan ) works for a guy who does not even knows how those numbers work (John Tuld)  , but he is the head of the corporation. John says to Peter , and i quote "It is not my head that put me in this position". John tells to the people that are managing his company that his only job is to hear the music and the music has stopped. (music is used as a metaphor for things going smooth).

            It is an amaizing movie and you will not regret watching it.



Indeed it is a great movie

It's a decent movie. I liked it. But the real masterpiece is The Big Short. Though it wasn't given a wide enough release (smells fishy) it was the 2nd best movie I had seen for the entire year(#1 was Mad Max:Fury Road). So try Big Short! It's quite engaging and not boring at all. I'm a guy who found Skyfall to be bit boring. So you are really in for a ride if you get the intellectual stuff behind it.
The Big short 10/10
Margin Call 8/10

Need to watch the documentary "Inside Job", peace

Thanks , i will.

I am going to make a review for The Big Short too . But it is a little more complicated.