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RE: KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid (Financial Security for Dummies)

in #money8 years ago

Amen. We are currently out of debt and working on our down payment fund for a homestead. What you said in this article is or rather should be common sense. The only investing we are doing at the moment is husband's retirement, but I would love to be able to invest more in the future. We will focus on paying off our future mortgage first though and on having a well-stocked house before putting money into riskier things.


I am trying to find land in my county, but it has not been easy. Every place that comes up for sale has been clear cut, has a large power line through it, or has some other easement problem. It's definitely not easy finding good land if you are limited on where you can move! Where are you planning to build a homestead?

We aren't actually planning on building, buy buying something established. It's almost impossible to find raw/undeveloped land here, it's all owned by big farmers or the state and there a so many building codes that it would cost a fortune to build something we would want. So we are settling for a home on a couple of acres back on the island we both grew up on and will take it from there.