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RE: A simple life of luxury

in #money7 years ago

You were a funny kid. You used to be content with not much at all, some colouring pencils and paper, a few building blocks or some toy cars. I actually still have some of your old toys stored away. We grew up with the ability to make our own fun and were fortunate enough to have enough creativity and imagination to do so. Would a kid who had everything have had a better youth than us? I'm not so sure. We valued what we had, and still do.

As adults I think little has changed. We both enjoy the simple things in life. I agree that maybe, through necessity, we have no choice but to live reasonably simple lives, however I very much doubt you or I would live vastly different lives were we to have large amounts of money behind us.

Material things have a value of course, however the value of experiences far outweighs the material in my opinion. The biggest diamond sitting in a locked safe may seem priceless* however simple times spent with your daughter sharing her life's journey will have infinitely more value later in life especially if you cannot re-live those moments in any other way but your own memory.

Since the first cognitive thought Homo Sapiens had we began hoarding things which is where greed took over. We needed more bear furs, more rock tools or spears...Fast forward to now and we do the same, constantly chasing more and when we achieve it lay it aside and set out in pursuit of the next thing. If only we were more like Neanderthals who had what they needed and were probably happier. The planet would rejoice also.


There seems to be no limit on the amount of useless crap we are able to gather.

Your brother @galenkp is a wise man, as you are. You are a better man than you give yourself credit for in many ways. Look forward to than family time