
Not this year.

I tried upvoting myself for a while...
It didn't work the way I thought it would...

He outlined bonds and if anything you have to be skeeered shitless to short bonds...even tho the longer maturity bonds are "obvious" shorts. What Greg "glossed over" is the fact that he is short QQQ...not INDU (Dow Jones Industrial Ave). Yes, INDU only up 50 points...but Greg now under water on his Q's short. Look for him to crap out on the next gapup move. Then he will publish another $2 Ebook that you can buy to find out why he fukked up so badly. Greg shorted yesterday's open on the Q's...and was "proud" of it....yesterday anyway. :-)

Learn how to spot a "sucka" kittens. That chart I just posted is a snapshot of Greg...the sucka. :-)