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RE: Jeff Bezos is now worth $100 billion!

in #money7 years ago

Wow. Thanks for this info.
I also heard he is predicted to be the world's first "trillionaire" in years to come.
One lesson i learnt from him is that If one can’t tolerate critics, then don’t do anything new or interesting.”
If you are on a way to create something or planning to alter the way things are being executed then you should have the ability to tolerate critics. Though criticism somehow leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness also. But if you can’t tolerate critics, don’t do anything new or interesting. Thanks for the news. Bill is a core philanthropist and i just wish he doesnt stop. He is a role model for many.


In reality, he is a greedy scrooge, who works his employess 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week, and pays little. They opened a warehouse and after a few months, they had problems keeping it staffed. A true billionare doesnt pay his employees so little they qualify and often are forced to use food stamps and other public assistance, such as walmart and mc donalds do- rake in billions in profits, while forcing the taxpayer to pick up the slack.