
Hi, I also posted about my rigs today ;)

This is really cool. I am mining myself but i don't have nearly as many cards going as you. I have just done an install on my 4th gpu and done a steemit post about it.

Nice man!! The excitement of getting that new card is awesome!! #makesomemoney!!!! :D

What's a mining rig? What exactly does it do?

Hey man,its kind of a long explanation check out this post for great detail and focus on what mining exactly is!!

Thanks man! All the best. :)

crazy !

i thought about making my own mining rig

you should post more often to give us updates on how its going if you can, because i think people will enjoy the journey

Im definitely going to do that mate :D thanx for the response @moderninvestor

excited to see your progress !!


Fellow South African keep me updated please @janus27 I whould also like to setup my own rig and have a couple of questions. Email me [email protected]

Hi @janus27 thanx for the response! I will definitely email you and answer any questions...welcome to the community btw :)

Thank you!!!