Bitcoin: Best investment ever is bitcoin

in #money8 years ago

The price of bitcoin broke through $4,000 in keeping with coin for the primary time on Sunday and is posting new records on Monday.

Bitcoin crossed the $4,000 mark at close to 1.00 a.m. on Sunday. It has saved growing on Monday, attaining an all-time high of $4,311.12 in line with coin at close to 2.30 p.m. BST on Monday.

Best investment ever is bitcoin. i will advise all that might be chance to read my steemit post, this and information you are lucky to see. i will advise if you have a particular cash save in the bank, i will advice you share it into two like 80% / 20% and use the 80% to buy bitcoin, if you know how to trade you can trade and if you don know how to trade just leave it there and watch how bitcoin grow, as it grow your #bitccoin increase. another idea is you can sell part of it as it increase to have cash at hand and you can watch or google search how to trade with bitcoin.


Very true. I saw it almost break $4500 couple days ago. Love it!