Gold has seen significant strength today.
Not only today actually, but gold always outperforms every currency over time:
So I thought it would be useful to take at look at Menē ‘s real time jewelry investment tracker for my personal collection:
Up over 4% in just 1 month. Not too shabby for something you can actually wear around your neck or play with in a bar( <—- not a recommendation)
Menē’s technology allows you to track your jewelry investment, a unique experience that provides ultimate transparency and utility.
This also illustrates how gold jewelry is a store of wealth that is often overlooked in the western part of the world. Viewing it this way is an excellent reminder that 24 karat gold jewelry does more than just make us look good - it protects us against the ever devaluing currency you saw in the above chart.
What other investment does all this for you??
Thanks for reading everyone!
For Mene 24k investment jewelry:
To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :
To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :
To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:
For Mene 24k investment jewelry here:
I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.
Read more about Goldmoney:
What other investment does all this for you??
You know when I read this statement you wrote, i immediately reason, 'off course cryptocurrency is giving more than this', then I reasoned, the question was which other investment does all this, that is all the qualities listed above and I reasoned, you can't wear crypto as a jewelry, even if you wanted to print a bitcoin and wear it, you'll end up looking like a dog wearing a tag 🐕 😃😃😃
Only gold jewelry can give you Financial, aesthetics, and beauty benefits. You don't just have your money locked up in one safe, on held in one wallet, but rather it adorns your arm, finger, and neck.
#GOLDISNOTDEAD.Nice one @goldmatters,
Lol awesome @lucyc
I tried analyzing the value of flat choker-brushed and 24k classic dice and i found out that the choker bought on 5th of January 2018 has increased by 2.91% by 24th of January 2018, while the 24k classic dice bought on the 18th of December, 2017 has increased by 7.56% by 24th January.
From the table above, i saw that in the next 10years, the flat choker and the 24k classic dice will increase by 242%.
Do you know that that means? This means that, the value of Mrs goldmatters' flat choker will no longer be $3,268.44 but will be $11,178.065 in 10years time while the value of your 24k classic dice will no longer be $727.91 but will be $2489.4522 in 10years time.
@goldmatters, this is really a good news i must say.
Pretty cool analysis @kandies:)
That brushed choker is making me crazy!
Me too
I get to wear and enjoy my Mene while also knowing it has been going up in value since I bought it. That sure beats the heck out of fiat! Up just over 10% since my November purchase date. Cool.
Double digit return!! Yeah!
I need to get that gold choker for miss peaceloveliberty
Oh yes you do!
Tnx for the precious metals historical price chart .I need that. @goldmatters
Sure! I love looking at the long term perspective of gold
Me too. @goldmatters
I think gold went up because USD dropped a lot, nice jewelry :)
You could be right! And thanks :)
Very interesting post. Thanks for share...
Great investment...Bitcoin never will replace or compete with Gold but it is a sort of paper gold yes and replacement of fiat currencies is the most likely. Having Bitcoin and Gold is a good combo, the banks have manipulated for long enough.
Agreed. Owning both gold and crypto can be an excellent strategy in todays world
I think gold is set up for a Nice year in 2018. I think 1,400 is going to get eclipsed before long! I expect one day not too far into the future the USD as well as all other fiat currencies are going to collapse. The time will come!
Yeah we are seeing some legit strength here, silver too
I know! Quite bullish! It's about time though after years of nonstop struggles! Hopefully they will break free.... Eventually!
I haven't checked up on my chain, but I imagine it's in the green. Still loving it😁. I am saving up to buy two gold bands, one for me and one for my husband. Should be able to get them next month.
I cant wait to see!!
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